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MarchforERA at Rosenwald-Wolf Gallery: Solidarity Exhibition Visit


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MarchforERA at Rosenwald-Wolf Gallery: Solidarity Exhibition Visit

Join Natalie White at the University of the Arts Rosenwald-Wolf Gallery in Philadelphia for a critical dialogue of the impact of feminist art in changing the political landscape in America. This election is the first time a woman is the likely presidental nominee. Discussion will include the impact of constitutional equality guaranteed by the ERA and a film screening. 

Artwork by Natalie White will be on display. Discussion will be followed by a Q & A session.

Full march schedule at:

Hosted by: 
University of Arts Rosenwald-Wolf Gallery
Anderson Hall
333 South Broad Street
Philadelphia, PA 19102

Contact numbers to reach the march directly:

-(703) 899-9831

-(202) 380-7650