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 JUL MarchForERA: March and Rally at the US Capitol


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JUL MarchForERA: March and Rally at the US Capitol

Join us as we march to the US Capitol to demand the passing of the Equal Rights Amendment! We depart from College Park Metro at 11:00am for the 8-mile 3-hour march.
We have a women running for president, yet women in the United States of America do not have equal rights under the Constitution. Take a stand for humanity, equality and women. Take a stand for justice. 

Natalie White will be speaking along with other representatives of equality during the march and at a final rally at the Capitol at 2:00pm. 

“A feminist is anyone who recognizes the equality and full humanity of women and men.” ― Gloria Steinem

Contact numbers to reach the march directly:

-(703) 899-9831

-(202) 380-7650